More a proof of concept than a game proper, so after one or two encounters you've seen most of it.

How to play

- Take any magic stone you wish, if this causes other stones of matching colors to crash, you will also gain them.

- Use the magic power you gained to cast spells.

Lore.- As you increase your Lore, your level 3 spells become more powerful. Your Lore value never goes down.

Armor.- Blocks incoming damage up to its total value. Even if unused, it goes away each turn.

Vim.- Your current Vim value increases the strength of your attacks. It decreases by one each turn.

LITANY.- If you play a LITANY card you enter a LITANY state. If you continue your LITANY, that is, play a LITANY card while in a LITANY state, that card will be played twice.

Elusive.- Evade an incoming attack.


I used art and music from Pixel-boy and AAA's Ninja Adventure asset pack and Superpowers Mega Asset Pack. Everything else made by me, for the 7DRL challenge and Acerola's jam during the duration of the jam (actually less time). A mirror of my (quite broken) original 7DRL submision available here (pass:7DRL)

For those just looking to try the game, or other non-judging purposes, I uploaded an update that fixes some of the most glaring issues here.


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That's a beautiful game! It took me a second to figure out the combat play, but it's a great mechanic! So well done. I also like the image design of your starting landscape.

Very well conceived and carried out!